UPDATE: We reviewed the CSS TDD event.

When building webapps, it’s commonplace for a practicioner of software craftsmanship to thoroughly test-drive the backend code powering their site, regardless of the language being used. It’s also increasingly common to use TDD to design the Javascript at the front end. However, very few people even consider using TDD to do the design-side.

For our February event, we want to explore something relatively fresh: using a CSS TDD library, like quixote, to drive the design of a website.

On the night, we encourage you to bring a laptop, preferably with quixote installed. Don’t worry if you don’t have access to a laptop, we’ll be pairing so there will be plenty to go around. We’ll be using some simple design requirements to drive out the design we want, as we work in pairs to deliver.

We’ll be aiming to find out whether doing TDD on your CSS is worthwhile, where the pitfalls are, what could be improved, and what works well.

The event will be hosted by Hymans Robertson in their building on Waterloo Street.

  • Details: CSS TDD
  • Date - Thursday 19th February 2015
  • Time - 7pm event start, 10pm finish
  • Location: Hymans Robertson, 7th Floor, 200 Waterloo Street, G2 6DB.

If you want to be prepared, checkout our tddcss git repo. It’s not essential, but it’ll help things along.